Friday, May 30, 2008
More (Really) Stunning Desktop Wallpapers

Thursday, May 29, 2008
5 Real-Life Ghost Towns As Eerie As Silent Hill
Some places in the world are just creepy. Literal ghost towns, if you will. This blog entry lists 5 ghost towns and gives background information for each of them. The article talks about places such as Centralia, Pennsylvania and Chernobyl, Ukraine. If you love to learn about creepy places and their histories, check out 5 Real-Life Ghost Towns As Eerie As Silent Hill.
40+ Extremely Beautiful Icon Sets Hand-picked from deviantART

If you didn’t already know this about me, I love to customize everything. Wallpapers, screen savers, programs, I need to make them my own. But there’s one thing that I actually haven’t customized. My desktop icons. I just haven’t found anything that I really liked in that particular area. Until I found this. 40+ Extremely Beautiful Icon Sets Hand-picked from deviantART puts some of the most beautiful icons into the spotlight for their well deserved 15 minutes of fame. Some are very clean and modern, one set looks like stickers, and there is more than one Asian inspired icon set. Do yourself a favor and check this out!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Improve Your Writing
Where did a month wander off to? I really can't say that I exactly know. Sorry for the lack of any posts over the last month. I am now off for summer break, so there should be a sharp increase in posting.
With the internet as it is today, I have found that use of proper English has gone down. With terms such as ‘lol’ and ‘Gr8’ (Although I am guilty of the occasional ‘WTF’), students stop bothering to use the correct sentence structure on the internet. This behavior is starting to creep into the students’ work. If you know the concepts of English well enough to write, but still can’t remember where to use the semicolon, then this website is for you. Titled “Improve Your Writing,” this website will help you tame the jungle of English grammar. It will tell you where and when to use a hyphen, the difference between whose and who’s, and help you to remember where to put quoted material. That’s just the tip of the iceberg!